My name is Beth Moser-Chang, and I am originally from Louisville, Kentucky. I moved to Los Angeles in 2005 from NYC to look for photo work. In 2006, after working for a portrait company, I started my own photography business. I am married to my husband, Joe, and we have two really rad kids, Levi and Piper. We moved to Monrovia in 2016. In 2020, I went back to school and am now also a Master Certified Health and Wellness Coach. I got more involved and connected with the community in Monrovia once my oldest started elementary school in 2017. It has been really great to get to know people through the school, volunteer work, photo work and coaching. When I am not taking photos or coaching, I enjoy beach time and paddle boarding with my family. On the daily after the kids are off to school and in between work, I look forward to a nice walk, working out and meditation.

Q: Please tell us a little bit about your family.
My husband Joe and I own a digital media company called Rowena Media. We have been fortunate to connect and work with many local small businesses in the community in the last few years. He is also a graphic designer in the TV Industry. We are a very creative family. My son Levi is master lego builder if you ask him, loves his robotics team he and his friends formed last year, and of course Roblox. My daughter is in 1st grade, loves to skateboard, ride her bike and loves anything puppy.

Q: Please tell us about your current, past, or future career. What do you love most about what you do?
I have been a professional photographer since I was 17, so nearly 30 years, and have loved every minute of it. I am also a Master Certified Health coach. Health and wellness is something I have always been passionate about but was too busy raising kids and doing photo work. The pandemic changed all that, and I took the leap to go back to school. It has been really rewarding to add another career and take something else I am so passionate about other than photography and dive into that more. It has also been fun to find the similarities between both careers and the balance of the two. I really just love observing and capturing people in a way they never see themselves, but it is there. I see it with photo and with my coaching. I meet people where they are and go from there. They are both beautiful to witness in a person capturing a moment in time and then witnessing and meeting someone where they are on their health journey and they get their “a ha” moment.

Q: What are a couple of your favorite restaurants in our community?
I love Grey & Cash to meet a friend or client. For family time, we always enjoy Merengue and Viet Phomula.

Q: How long have you lived or worked in our community?
We moved to Monrovia in 2006. However, I have been a photographer in LA since 2005. I have been coming to Monrovia for years doing photo sessions prior to moving here. I just always thought it was the cutest neighborhood.

Q: Who is the most interesting person you’ve met here in our community?
That is a hard question. I have met a good amount of people that really inspire me and make me want to be a better person. Kristin Ritzau owner of FoodEd is one of those people. I met her at my kids’ garden I think two years ago when we went to volunteer. I was one of two people that showed up. It gave me a chance to get to know her and see her vision. She inspires me to take a dream and make it happen. What she has done for our community is remarkable. Dare I say Donna Baker, ok I did. She inspires me with her generosity, selflessness, way to connect with the community and connect with others. I just adore these women and get so happy when I get to chat and connect with them.

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?
Taiwan, so my kids can see their grandma and meet other family members.

Q: What is one of your favorite movies? TV shows?
White Lotus on TV.  My favorite movie is Bridesmaids. It always makes me laugh and lifts me up.

Q: What advice would you give to people?
Slow down and take small steps towards your goals. We are living in a world where everything is so instant, we don’t have to be. Take time for self care. It can be as simple as getting 7 hours of sleep or drinking more water. Little changes add up to a healthy balanced lifestyle.

Q: What is something on your bucket list?
To hold a baby Panda

Q: What is your go to band when you can’t decide what to listen to?
Future Islands

Q: What current or former local business makes you the most nostalgic about our community?
The Library, because I loved taking my kids there for books and events. Also, I miss the movie theatre before the pandemic, Those $5 days were the best!

Q: If you could choose anyone that is alive today and not a relative, with whom would you love to have lunch? Why? And where locally would y’all meet for this lunch?
I would choose my friend Brooke VanNatta that is living in Florida. She was a roommate of mine years ago that is like a sister to me. I have not seen her in real life in six years but we still talk often. We would go for a hike and then have lunch at Grey & Cash.

Q: What is your favorite thing about Monrovia or something unique about our community that you like?
My favorite thing is the Mandarin Dual Immersion Program at my kids’ school, Plymouth Elementary. I feel so grateful that my kids have the opportunity to learn Mandarin. I could not have hoped for a better school for them. The families and teachers are just all so lovely. I also love Old Town Monrovia and the small town feel it has. To walk up and down the street and run into people I know is just such a great feeling.

Q: What is your greatest regret?
I hesitate to say I have any regrets because I have learned with everything in life there is lesson. Even if it’s an uncomfortable one, it pushes me in a direction better suited for me in the long run.

Q: Even for friends or family, what is something interesting that most people don’t know about you?
A local fun fact is; We are the Simpson Family 2021 at the old town Halloween event and then walked in the Holiday Parade, as well. My fav fun fact/memory is that I am a HUGE Johnny Cash fan. When I was 19, I bought a ticket to his show and was the youngest person in the audience. I made my way up to the front and I looked him in the eyes and he winked at me. Seriously, it was one of the coolest moments of my life besides having my kids, of course.

Q: What is the most beautiful place you have ever been?
Taroko National Park in Taiwan and Yosemite Park.

Q: What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Cliche’, but having my kids. I wanted to be a mom, and I hit the jackpot with my kids.

Q: What would you rate a 10 out of 10?
The seabass at Momo Bistro in Monrovia on Duarte

Q: Who inspires you to be better?
My kids and that little voice in my head that says “keep swimming.”

Q: What is one or two of your favorite smells?
Jasmine and Rose

Q: Finally, what 3 words or phrases come to mind when you think of the word HOME?
Parents, Husband and Kids

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